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January 15, 2022
The president made a public appeal to the media and big tech from the White House Thursday, begging them to..
December 5, 2021
Former President Donald Trump has once again demonstrated his fundraising capabilities as the fundraising efforts for his new social media..
November 26, 2021
Facebook did not wait for a jury to decide on the Kyle Rittenhouse case – they announced that they had..
October 23, 2021
Big tech censored Representative Jim Banks (R-IN) for a tweet on Tuesday that refers to Dr. Rachel Levine, four-star admiral..
August 2, 2021
Google put the kibosh on apps that facilitate users “providing sexual acts in exchange for compensation,” in a ban that..
July 28, 2021
Twitter suspended various 2020 election audit accounts on Tuesday for “violating the Twitter Rules.” The Maricopa County audit account, Audit..
July 16, 2021
Constitutional lawyer and radio host Mark Levin described Donald Trump’s Big Tech lawsuit as a “slam dunk” after Joe Biden’s..
July 16, 2021
In less than two weeks, the new social media platform GETTR already has over 1.5 million users, as people seek..