Book calling for the execution of gays found in Islamic boarding school’s library

An independent Muslim boarding school in Yorkshire, England, failed its inspection after a book calling for gay people to be killed was found in its library.

Inspectors said text within the book titled Islam on Homosexuality included “participants of the homosexual act should be slained[sic] whether they are married or unmarried.” Also mentioned in the book is a paragraph entitled “putting to death,” which states, “the evil doers should be put to death.”

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“The school does not meet the requirements of the schedule to the Education (Independent School Standards) Regulations 2014. The national minimum standards for boarding schools and associated requirements that were checked during this inspection,” the inspectors wrote in their report. Adding that the book “included inappropriate content which does not encourage respect for those who share one of the protected characteristics set out in the Equality Act 2010.”

While some instructors at the school claimed the book was available for “research purposes,” one headteacher admitted the book should not be within the school’s library.

“It is appalling that a book calling for gay people to be executed could be found in a school library…It is even more disturbing that some school leaders appeared to defend the school’s decision to make this book available to children,” said Megan Manson, the National Secular society’s (NSS) head of policy.

“Schools have a duty to promote equality for all. Giving a space for hateful and homophobic religious propaganda clearly runs contrary to that,” she added.

The school has come into issues with inspectors in the past. In 2016, a report found that students were forbidden from watching TV, listening to music, or reading newspapers. They’ve also come under fire for policies prohibiting students from “socializing with outsiders.” An offense punishable by “expulsion if there is no improvement after cautioning.”

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The Independent Chronicle reached out to the Institute of Islamic Education for comment but did not immediately receive a response.