Rep. Greene mocks Pelosi’s mask mandate with ‘checkpoint charlie’ video

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) posted a video to her Twitter account mocking House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) for implementing mask mandates and threatening to arrest House members who do not obey.

“Hey, over here, there’s no COVID. You won’t be arrested for taking your mask off. Would you like to come in?” Greene softly asks two bystanders in the video facing a roped partition separating the House and Senate chambers.

The bystanders nod their heads yes before Greene says, “Okay, that’s the House side where Nancy Pelosi will have you arrested. This is the Senate side. Come on.”

Greene then removes the rope and ushers the two into the Senate side.

Greene’s “Checkpoint Charlie” phrase refers historically to a crossing point between East and West Berlin during the Cold War. Western Allies named the location “Checkpoint Charlie,” where President John F. Kennedy visited in 1963. The location became a symbol of the Cold War, representing the split between the East and West.

Reactions to Greene’s video spread across social media.

“That’s the funniest thing I’ve seen all week! Thank the Lord for MTG!!!” Replied one Twitter user.

“I f—ing love this!!!!” Said another.

“Hahhaha THATS AWESOME YOU GO GIRL,” replied another one of the congresswoman’s fans.

Others, however, took a different view of the conservative firebrand’s video, blasting it as “childish” and “embarrassing.”

“Wow so within the building – THE ENTIRE BUILDING – there was something sent out that you can get a fine for doing exactly what you are ENCOURAGING others to do Plus this is beyond childish,” said one Twitter user.

“Wow. How embarrassing,” replied another.