Naked man seen pulling front bumper off vehicle in middle of traffic

A man wearing nothing but green socks was filmed pulling the front bumper off of a vehicle while it attempted to drive away.
“What’s going on here?? Man of PCP in NE DC rips off random car’s WHOLE front bumper!” read the caption to the video, which has been viewed more than 780,000 times.
According to the uploader, the video was captured in Washington, D.C. Other drivers try to get around the crazed man while he walks backward at the same pace as the car he is destroying. Once the bumper is ripped from the vehicle, the man falls to the ground, gets back up, and begins walking towards other vehicles on the road.
A second video with a side view of the incident was posted in the replies. It shows the man pounding on the hood of the car before ripping the bumper off.
“Those green socks gave him super powers! I live in DC and have never seen anything like this,” replied one Twitter user.
“He on some serious drugs OR mental health issues…or both”, said another.
“I hope the driver has Allstate cause this is Mayhem at its finest,” said someone else.
The cause of the incident is unknown and comes as various cities across the U.S. grapple with spiking crime rates.
Motor vehicle thefts in D.C. are up 26% compared to last year, according to the Metropolitan Police Department. The homicide rate in D.C . is up 8% from last year.
Shootings in New York City alone have risen 60% from last year, according to data collected by the National Fraternal Order of Police. Compared to last year, shootings are up 126% in Portland and up 51% in Los Angeles.
Homicides in New York City are up 12% from last year, according to NYPD crime statistics. Compared to last year, homicides are up 41% in Atlanta, up 36% in Philadelphia, up 4% in Chicago, and up an astounding 533% in Portland.