Joe Rogan fans blast NPR after ivermectin hit piece: ‘no credibility’

NPR received criticism after publishing a piece attacking Joe Rogan for reportedly taking ivermectin to treat COVID-19.
“The podcast host Joe Rogan, who has dismissed COVID vaccines, said he tested positive and is taking a cocktail of unproven treatments — including ivermectin, a deworming drug for cows that the FDA warns people should not ingest,” NPR tweeted along with a follow-up warning for its listeners to not take ivermectin.
“No, you should not ingest ivermectin, a drug formulated for cows and horses to treat parasites. No, it is not proven to prevent or treat COVID. The FDA is urging people to stop ingesting the livestock version, which can cause nausea, neurological disorders and severe hepatitis,” they added.
The backlash NPR received was widespread with many pointing out that Rogan did not encourage his listeners to take the livestock version ivermectin.
“This is blatant false information. Ivermectin is a nobel-prize winning medicine for humans. Doctors are prescribing it, and if you get it from a pharmacy, you’re not taking a livestock dewormer,” said Jessica O’Donnell.
“It’s sad that your witless social media interns who wrote this couldn’t be bothered to Google ‘Nobel prize medicine 2015,'” replied another.
“‘Monoclonal antibodies, ivermectin, Z-pack, prednisone – everything. I also got an NAD drip and a vitamin drip, and I did that three days in a row, and here we are on Wednesday, and I feel great,'” one Twitter user replied, quoting Rogan himself.
“He didn’t mention the livestock version. You did. #DefundNPR,” the user added.
“Human Ivermectin exists, stop ignoring that fact, and stop ignoring the meta-analysis that shows its efficiency against covid patients,” another user replied.
“You are spreading propaganda. You can be pro-vaccine and understand meta-analysis of other treatments like ivermectin against covid,” they added.
“So you would rather all those people in Africa who had it cure their river blindness were blind still? Just because something is ALSO used for veterinary medicine, doesn’t mean it isn’t also used for humans,” noted another Twitter user, citing the use of ivermectin to cure river blindness in humans.
“This article is deliberate, politically motivated misinformation,” said someone else.
“It is very effective in eradicating intestinal parasites in racehorses! That it! Gotta be smarter than that people!” replied another.
To which someone else said, “I think you are exactly the person this tactic of calling Ivermectin a ‘horse’ medication is trying to fool. A more sophisticated person knows ivermectin is widely used in Humans. Many drugs have both human and animal versions.”