Family uses vaccinated woman’s obituary to lash out at unvaccinated people

An Illinois family lashed out at unvaccinated individuals, blaming the death of a 66-year-old fully vaccinated woman on those who choose not to get the COVID-19 vaccine.
“She was preceded in death by more than 4,531,799 others infected with COVID-19. She was vaccinated but was infected by others who chose not to be. The cost was her life,” the obituary for Candace Ayers reads.
Candace, known by her friends and family as “Candy” died from COVID-19 on Sept. 3 after contracting the virus in July despite being fully vaccinated.
Her son, Marc Ayers told local media that unvaccinated individuals are perpetuating a “cycle of pain” for families like his, who are vaccinated.
“This whole thing is so preventable,” the 36-year-old told the Journal-Register. “People have politicized this and made it about politics. These are the people who have perpetuated the cycle of pain for our family and so many others.”
Her family believes she contracted the virus during a four-day trip to Mississippi in mid-July to visit a friend who lost her husband to COVID-19. They say she got the vaccination in the spring.
Both Candace and her husband contracted the virus, however, he only suffered mild symptoms. She remained hospitalized for over a month, the last three weeks being on a ventilator. Candace had rheumatoid arthritis which doctors believe put her at higher risk of complications from the virus.
“Vaccinated individuals with other health conditions … may not have developed as strong of an antibody response with the vaccine as others and may not be able to fight off their illness and COVID as well,” said Gail O’Neill, director of the Sangamon County Department of Public Health.
The family says they disconnected the ventilator due to the doctor’s claim of irreversible lung damage Candace suffered from the virus. She died minutes after it was disconnected with her family by her side.
Her family hopes the obituary convinces others to change their minds and get vaccinated.
“Just wear a mask and get a shot,” Marc said. “Just buckle up for a little bit.”
According to the CDC, most of the severe breakthrough cases, about 74%, had been among seniors who were 65 years or older.