Less than half the country believes Biden has the ‘mental soundness’ to be president: poll

A new Fox News poll found that less than half of all registered voters believe President Joe Biden has the “mental soundness” to serve effectively.

“Do you think Joe Biden has the mental soundness to serve effectively as president, or not?” the poll asked its 1,000 respondents between Sept. 12 and 15.

Only 49% said “yes,” while 48% said “no,” and 3% said, “Don’t know.”

When asked if Biden is a “strong leader,” only 45% said “yes,” and a whopping 53% said “no.”

The low numbers Biden receives regarding his mental soundness and leadership qualities could be stoked by his frequent refusal to take questions and his microphone being cut whenever he goes off-script.

The president raised eyebrows recently after telling reporters that he “isn’t supposed” to take questions from them on multiple occasions, leaving many asking who can silence the president.

“Somebody in the White House has authority to press the button and cut off the president’s speaking ability and sound. Who is that person?” Senator James Risch (R-ID) asked Secretary of State Antony Blinken during his recent Capitol Hill testimony on Afghanistan.

“Anyone who knows the president, including members of the committee, knows that he speaks very clearly and very deliberately for himself,” Blinken said. “No one else does.”

“Are you saying that there’s no one in the White House that can cut him off?” Risch asked again. “It’s been widely reported that somebody has the ability to push the button and cut off his sound and stop him from speaking,” Risch persisted. “Who is that person?”

“There is no such person,” Blinken said in response with a chuckle. “Again, the president speaks for himself, makes all of the strategic decisions informed by the best advice that he can get from the people around.”

The instances that Risch is referring to have occurred at multiple events since Biden took office.